Monday, November 22, 2010

Blessing Day

Madelainas big day! October 10, 2010IMG_2855

What a wonderful day to celebrate the birth of our new baby girl!  Joseph did such a great job.  My children are so fortunate to have such a good Dad!

The Name & Blessing:       Madelaina - Named after my grandmother (Nonnie) Madelyn, with an Italian naming twist.  We both fell in love with the name the first time we heard, seen it, and said it.  Although Joseph and his Mom keep trying to change the spelling of it to Madalaina…just more like it sounds.  Joseph also gave her a wonderful blessing of health and a good life. We are overwhelmed of the love of our new baby girl and her constantly smiling face.  And thankful for the opportunity we have to be parents.

This time around we decided not to invite aunts, uncles and extended family simply because of the size that our immediate family is growing to.  With just our brothers, sisters and their kids we still had over 85 people at the luncheon.  How awesome is that!? we have such a great family and I feel that we are all pretty close and love to get together when things like this give us an excuse to.  We went to the Opera House here in Moroni and had a wonderful meal, with Lamb and smoked ham, then everyone brought yummy salads and deserts we ended up with way too much because everyone brought something yummy, and some too many something yummys! I think Tammy brought 4 deserts! We are definately very blessed to have such a wonderful family.


I totally forgot to break out the camera until most everybody had gone.. but here are a few pics of the day…  above.. Aunt Naomi, and Pa Pa PhilIMG_2695 

Parker IMG_2702

The kiddos playing outside…  Taig, Pj, Bree, Brynnlie, and Kash… They got in trouble when they started throwing rocks and the cars driving by…. ay ay ay!!!IMG_2720

Destri, My Brother -Perry, Me, Taiglee, Kambri, Madelaina, My Sis -Tammy


The two silly boys always up to something

IMG_2873Joseph decided to shave his head, needed a haircut so he had PJ give him one!!  I think he regretted the shave after because of the cold weather.  But it didn’t actually look too bad!  Josephs head was not shaved for the Blessing… these outdoor photos are actually taken the week following her blessing because we didn’t have time to get the camera going and then forgot at the opera house the week before.  IMG_2820   IMG_2906IMG_2825IMG_2859  IMG_2889 IMG_2898


Kim said...

Awww! What a fun day! Your kids are too cute!

Unknown said...

She look beautiful and the blessing was very good! You forgot that he blessed her to be just like her mommy, Amazing! What a cute family you guys are!