Friday, July 6, 2012

t-ball 2011

Well here we go….  can I get this blog up to date?  Here’s to a big try!!  lots has happened and we have been extra extra busy.  you will see as this blog catches up all of the events and craziness that has taken place.  so…..Here we go!!!

June 2011….Joseph loves to spend time with the kiddos, what a better way than to be the t-ball coach….right??   Ha Ha… It is alot of fun to watch, I think it has to be the funniest sport ever! It has been said it is a little like herding cats.  The boys are really great at it and take it serious.  I’m glad that they have fun!

June-July 2011 382

Team Moroni and Coach Joe giving a cheer!!June-July 2011 353 PJJune-July 2011 362

Home run hitter Kash.June-July 2011 365 PJJune-July 2011 367 KashJune-July 2011 372

PJ and Coach Dad.June-July 2011 375 June-July 2011 378 June-July 2011 379

PJ and Kash…I just love these two!!