Updates of our life lin the last 2 months! wow has it really been that long since I posted on the Blog?
Rabia, This one is for you! thanks for the cute T-shirts! The boys loved the package of goodies you sent!! and so did we!! They are just wondering when you are coming to visit again??
Kash and Baby Sis- They love to hold her and burp her for me, since they don’t get to feed her very often.
Labor Day 2010 – Yellowstone here we come!
On our way to yellowstone, we stopped in Lava Hot Springs and stayed and swam in the hot springs there, the next day we slept in, then stopped at Bear World before getting to Yellowstone. Bear world was tons of fun, even though our van almost got eaten by a bear! the Bear got up close and personal, licked our bumper and chewed on our back license plate! the boys thought this was the coolest thing ever! They also pet the deer, goats and small animals in the petting zoo. Bear world was fun and worth the stop to see some animals.
Here we are just driving down into yellowstone park, it was so windy and cold on this day, Madelaina stayed in the car and covered up most of the day, thats why she’s not in this photo. The Park had beautiful scenery, we stopped at Midway Geyser and the boys went touring the geysers. (Joseph tells this part best by one of his journal entries)
Pj was very nervous did not want to go the steam rose up the white mist looked like heavy dark smoke like a big grass fire, hard to see you had to walk on about a 4 foot section of wood with a little hand rail. I assured PJ it would be okay Kash told him it would be fine and fun also. So ahead we went across the big steamy river then up a little hill the on top the geyser top at times you could not see your hand in front of your face. My sun glasses quickly filled with fog and steamed up taking them off didn’t help much either. Sometimes all you could hear was rushing water, with car tires going flat losing air psi. PJ's little hand would not let go of the hand rail or my hand, Kash walk to the other side of me holding my hand but on the side with no hand rail. The trail went up along the side of the falls which came from the giyser then made a full circle around other steamy parts of the grand geyser there was a toilet bowel with other little pockets of water with steam coming of those too. At time you where in total darkness i mean total darkness of a white out like snowmobiling don’t know where you are cant tell up from down from north to south total lost for moments. PJ at this time had tears. As he fought through the tears he spoke up and said Jesus Christ does not want us to let go of this. He dropped my hand and grasp a hold the the hand rail with both hands now. He also was concerned the all the other kids and people who were not holding onto the handrail. He said Jesus will not protected them if they let go. Layne and I where astonished of how well he was relating our experience there to the tree of life we read weeks earlier. There was darkness uncertain things out there danger signs caution signs. lots of seam thick white clouds of darkness which when they lifted you where left semi cold damp and uncomfortable. As I and his cousins and little brother where being taught by this 5 year old I was so humbled and grateful for the book of Mormon and how life our life our day can be full of things just like Lehi's dream and what we where experiencing at this geyser. Old faithful was grand. I sat and held my little daughter in side the eating area with my feet up just sat and took it all in here perfect little body and the mother nature God's handy work.
The guys spotted this Elk from the road while driving through, everyone was looking from the road, but Joseph, Layne and Morgan had to get up close and personal.
Kash was snapping Photos and told us all to turn around and say cheese! pretty good photo although he is not in it.
Old Faithful! – it was a little cold and windy while the boys and I went outside to watch Old Faithful, Joseph stayed inside with Madelaina, and watched from the big window.
The last night of our trip we stayed in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Fun place, but just a tourist town. (another Journal entry by Joseph): We stayed at the snow king lodge. had a good time the next morning we rode the ski lifts up the mtn. viewed the grand tetons took 20 mins. to go up and the same time to go down. that was after kash and pj had to leave a surprise up on top of the mtn. I swang my legs made the whole lift sway pj didnt like it he was already nervous to go. Little brohter Kash telling pj it would be okay big boys ride it its really fun pj. PJ consented to do so after Kash told him everything would be okay. So layne started swing his legs Kash quick to act hit layne ripped his sunglasses off throw them of the lift and proceeded to tell him to knock that of. Layne said dont you like that kash. Kash said yes but pj doesnt like it and it is scaring pj and to stop it defending big brother again. Little madelaina was a trooper good as gold so were heath's boys.
great Photo of the Grand Teton Mountains
Jackson Hole – apparently this lady had no clue, or just wanted to be in our photo because we took like 7 photos and she is in every one of them!
Stopping by the Logan Temple on our way home
Kash and Baby Sister.
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